Stirling North Childhood Services Centre
We are located at the corner of Beckman Street and Railway Station Road, Stirling North on the grounds of the Stirling North Primary School. Our building is attached to the primary school although we operate as a standalone site.
Preschool program
All children are eligible to access up to four terms of preschool before they start school. Your child can attend up to 15 hours per week. We offer a number of programs and services to support your child’s early years learning.
Session times
Our session days and times are:
Monday’s and Wednesday’s: 8:30am – 3pm
Tuesday’s and Thursday’s: 8:30am – 3pm
Our Catchment Area
Our preschool has a catchment area. If you live in the catchment area, your child will usually be able to enrol at our preschool. If you don’t, your child might still be able to enrol, but only if there are enough places.
Check your address
Click the map to see if your address resided in our catchment zone on the DfE website (external link)
Stirling North Childhood Services Centre
Beckman Street, Stirling North SA 5710